
Sunday, July 18, 2010

The weekend I needed

What a weekend! Friday I got out of work on time and got to go do dinner and drinks with Cody and his cousins. After that I thought it would be fun to head up to "the Monk" and continue the evening...not such a great idea. The point is that lately I have been slipping on taking care of me and with that I noticed emotionally I'm not as tough with the Jon thing as I thought. I mean to this day I cant say what happened I say the "Jon thing/situation" It is something I need to work on for myself and those close to me. I remember training for the River Run and feeling so good about myself and my body. Since then though I have slipped and stayed in a comfortable place, not gaining, but staying within a 3 lb range. My goal was not this weight or this shape. I have more goals and things to achieve and its time I get back on the horse and take care of me. Cody has moved and has a job here, I'm working and we are settled so no more excuses.

After that was decided on an emotional Saturday morning, Cody took my car to get an oil change and then we headed to the mall. What was supposed to be a quick spicy chicken sandwich from Chik-Fil-A turned into a 3 hour stroll/shopping adventure. Time got away from us and we had a great time buying clothes and walking around laughing together. After spending a little of my hard-earned first paycheck, we came home to nap. Then it was date night-dinner at La Nop and a movie, Grown-ups. Dinner was great and I enjoyed it a last splurge. Eating like that will only hinder my training process, but I enjoyed one last night. The movie was hilarious and we were exhausted by the time we got home.

Now to this morning, just what I needed. I was exhausted when my alarm went off, but I was determined to not let down my new running buddy, especially on our fist run. I was a bit nervous to run with someone new, you never know what level they are at physically, but it was great. We went to the old CSX trail. It was awesome, parts of it shaded and cut into the trees, complete with bikers, rollerbladers, walkers and even some wildlife. Everyone was so friendly, it felt like we were part of a elite club-athletes. I had to remind myself that I was one now and I had forgotten how great it felt. All those people out there cared about something like I did, their health. It's a nice feeling to be side by side with people who get your goals and struggles, even if all you say is a passing 'good morning'. We ended up doing a total of 6 miles, which was my distance goal on my training schedule. We did a sort of run/walk interval, but the walking was minimal. I left the run drenched and wiped out, but still had the runnning high I missed so much. I continued the rest of my day in the same way as this morning, taking care of business. Had my breakfast bowl then got a jump on cleaning and organizing Cody's and my stuff. Moving our life into 2 rooms in my parents house is no easy feat, but I'm grateful we have this opportunity to save money. Then after my lunch of grilled chicken, brown rice, and green beans I anxiously awaited for my dad and nephew to get home from the airport. He's here now and it has been non-stop. From video games, to swimming complete with biggest splash/cannonball contests, to pillow fights I feel like I've been working out all day. I know I will be sore tomorrow, but in a good way I havent felt in awhile! Sadly, I have to work, but I'm getting up early to hit the gym for some weight training! If this week goes anything like this weekend its going to be great!

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