Feeling sick and having a migraine didnt start my Saturday off so great. About 2 I started moving around and ran some errands with Danielle. (Cody's cousin) We ate, bought New Moon, makeup, and myself a new pair of running shoes. We also went looking for prom dresses for Danielle. Still not feeling 100% we came home and chilled out and watched New Moon. Seeing it again has got me hooked again and I HAVE to start reading Eclipse because I do not know the rest of the story (I know I'm the only person, even Cody knows). Anyway, the night went crazy from there. Danielle left, Cody came home and we decided to rush and I mean rush to fit in dinner and a movie. All the rushing got me a little anxious and I had a meltdown. I got upset, angry, then sad...very sad. Lately I get mad easily and I'm not mad at what I'm blowing up about. Apparently, anger is pain thats not dealt with and I have an idea of what my pain is...Jon. I go through phases, I'm happy, I'm sad, I miss him, I dont, I believe he's dead, I cant believe he's dead, its really messy. So Cody layed with me and I cried it out, sometimes I just need to. Then we were lame and played Uno, which I totally kick butt at!
the new shoes-Vibram Five Fingers
Today, I woke up feeling better, really motivated to take on the day. With my new running shoes, (funny looking-kind of, amazing-yes) I headed to the gym! FYI these things are machine washable, can get wet, and are totally good for your feet, I mean face it we are actually made to run barefoot and the more support in running shoes, the worse off we actually are. Ok-so I tested the shoes, had a good workout, cleaned the ENTIRE apartment, did 4 loads of laundry, met Cody for lunch, went grocery shopping, and did homework-whew I'm tired from just typing that! All the while Ash and I decided to get re-focused on our weight loss goals and be partners and keep each other accountable. I'm really excited about this because its so much easier when a friend is in it with you. Our goal-2lbs this week. I'm SUPPOSED to get up early and go to the gym...hmmm...we will find out in the morning!
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