
Friday, June 25, 2010

Girls Weekend

I really dont have much time to post, just wanted to write about what I'm doing this weekend. Ashley and I are off on a road trip to Charleston!!! We are going to see our friend Rachel, since her bday was yesterday. I really can't wait to get there and have a great time. It is a much needed trip for us all, so yay about to get on the road!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Finding My Groove

I am in week 2 of half marathon training, and though it is starting small, I'm feeling good. I honestly feel like I'm getting my running groove back. Last week was a bit rocky. It seemed that every time I would start, I would cramp up. My mind wasnt in the right place, so my body wasnt as a result. But, this week is a different story! I am following the schedule pretty strictly and so far this week we have only had 2 mile runs. Normally, we would have the long run (being 3 this week) on Sunday, BUT my biffle Ashley and I will be in Charleston visiting our good friend Rachel (CANT WAIT), so we will be doing our 3 mile run tomorrow.
Though the temperature has been hotter than satans toenail, my mind has just been letting go when I'm running. I dont feel my legs making the steps, they just are. I know it is only two short runs, but it gives me confidence that my body is ready for this!
Other than that, the job hunt continues. All I can do is apply and be hopeful. I'm trying to not worry about it and today I feel at peace with it. Maybe it is because I have a great weekend coming up. Either way, I'm having a great Wednesday-off to the internship!

Monday, June 21, 2010


I think I just need to vent!
I've been searching for jobs, and been offered 2, but nothing in what I want to do. Lately, the only places calling me are sales positions for marketing companies which are commission only, or insurance companies who want me to sell life insurance. I DO NOT WANT TO SELL! I don't know how many more interviews I can go on only to feel let down by the company. I want stability, salary, and heck, I like corporate America! I don't have the need to be an entrepreneur, so someone please hire me so I can start this new part of my life. I'm getting nervous my internship will end and I will be stuck with nothing...

On another note, I'm pushing myself hard this week in the gym and eating. I found these amazing pre-made salads at Publix last night with calorie content right on top. I know to be weary of salads, especially pre-made, but it was the perfect portion and it was only 280 calories. Today was lettuce, spicy chicken, corn, cheese, tortillas, and salsa ranch dressing..YUM! Inspired by that, since I'm home alone this week, I'm testing out some new marinades on chicken and tonight is Tequila Lime! I want to have the chicken made so I can have it for dinners/lunches this week!
Now I'm done venting and being happy about the little things. I just need to learn to relax, maybe I will start working on that!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Winds of Change

So, alot has gone on lately, especially in the last 6 months. Some tragic, but some good. I've done my best to cope with it all and take it in stride, but lately I've had some nervous energy.

My internship ends in august, so in the meantime I've been thinking about jobs and my future, one that includes Cody as well. Ultimately, we would love to stay in Jacksonville, but that is to be seen. Lately I have been putting my resume anywhere and everywhere I can. I got an interview last week, but the job seemed to be a sales position with a company that seemed less than professional. When I got offered a second interview I wasn't convinced to go. Then this morning I get another email about a job interview. Its with a private consulting firm doing marketing work for their clients. It sounds well and good, then they ask me to come in tomorrow and work with an executive. I agree, but I cant help but feel so anxious. Is it something I want to do? Will I be happy here? I'm terrified to make the wrong decision. I keep telling myself this isn't a forever career, but its the start of a whole new chapter in my life and I'm scared as heck! Then I wonder if I'm being too picky. I think I just finally felt comfortable in my internship and now the possibility to leave is on the horizon. I have never dealt well with change and clearly at 23 I still don't. I guess I will have to go with my gut on this and see how tomorrow works out.

My plan is to start the day off with a run and workout with Ashley. We start training for our half marathon this week. Hopefully the running will help me get a hold of my thoughts. All I can do is go one day at a's to tomorrow!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Turn of Events

So, my weekend didnt go exactly as planned. In fact, I would say better.
I didn't make it to the gym Saturday morning, but I managed to read some Breaking Dawn and get ready for lunch with Cody's mom, Debbie. We went to Don Juans because, well, we both love Mexican! It was delicious and since we are working on our relationship we were talking and Cody happened to call on his break from work. He asked when I was leaving for Gville and then said why dont you try to get my mom to come (since it was his cousins grad party and all of her sisters and family would be there). All it took was me asking and one trip to the mall and we were off! We picked out a new outfit for Debbie and packed our bags. We got to Gville around 8 and stayed at the party until about midnight. It was alot of fun seeing Cody's family. I didnt realize how much I missed Gainesville until then.

Sunday Cody got up early and went to work. I went out for Starbucks to wake me up and then Debbie and I lounged all morning and just talked about everything. Once we started moving it was time to get ready to meet Cody for lunch. We went to Cracker Barrel and 2 of his aunts met us there. Breakfast sounded like an excellent idea and I enjoyed it. After lunch cody had to leave for work and we decided to get on the road home. It was a quick trip, but I enjoyed the time with Debbie because I feel like our relationship is getting somewhere.

Once I got home the parents decided to grill some hamburgers and hotdogs and just relax. We spent the evening eating and watching one of my favorite shows Bridezillas. A good end to an unexpected weekend!

Now today, work was busy, but with one boss out it was nice! Katie came and had lunch with me, my dad, and the other 2 interns. We went to some hole in the wall place called Angie's Subs-delicious! Tonight will consist of dinner, training my dad for his race, and watching Secret Life (guilty pleasure). Tomorrow will be busy!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Moonlight Movie

What a long week! after an intense week at the internship, I was pretty concerned about last night's Moonlight Movie event. I actually prayed for rain since we would be without one intern, but of course the clouds passed and it was sunny and hot! The event went surprisingly well with Ashley (intern) and I working it and our boss stayed fairly calm. I got home around 10 and relaxed with mom and watched the end of the Gator baseball regional game, which we won! After that it was bed-time!

today, my plan was to get up for body-pump, but my body must have needed the sleep! My plan now is possible small run, get ready, then lunch with Cody's mom at Don Juan's. (I am reaching out trying to make an effort here) then later, I plan to head to Gainesville to visit my long-lost boyfriend! I sure will be glad when he moves home!

working out wise, this has been a tough week. I think with it being so short I got thrown off. either way I got some working out in while training my dad, and 1 morning session with Ashley and my mom. Overall, I lost another l lb this week so, success! On step closer to my goal! Next 5k: next Saturday, Run for the Pies!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Back in action!

So, I finally feel things have settled down enough to begin blogging again. As mentioned a million times, I graduated, went on vacay with the boy, and am now back at home! I'm working for the City of Jacksonville Beach-Special Events. So far it has been crazy busy, intense, and a bit most jobs. This one however, is unpaid! Yup, no money-supposedly its the experience and resume building along with "hopeful" job placement. I'm just hoping for the best and trying to get my resume out there!That's it on the work front.

Living back at home has been quite the challenge though. Its been hard to get into a routine with work and the gym. Lately, I've been trying my hardest to get up with my friend Ashley and do the gym at 6 until 7:30 or 8 in the morning. It's been hard, but I slowly but surely getting into a routine. With the eating and weight loss I'm definitely doing ok, I lost the weight I gained during graduation and the cruise. So now, I have 13 more lbs to go and I'm at my goal! Then, on June 14th I start training for my first half marathon!! I am so excited to be doing this, I cannot wait. I also started to train my dad for his first 5K, using the couch to 5K plan. I find that I enjoy training and motivating others, maybe something I should think about once I hit my goal, who knows! Well thats it for now, I plan to be more regualr with this!